Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Carpool to Greenland.

Sue Collier 9:36am May 4
Hey everyone--I'm hoping to carpool with someone for this Saturday's race. Anyone have a spot? Or I could drive three others if anyone else is looking to carpool. Most of you don't know me but Heather W. can vouch for me!

Monday, May 2, 2011

Family Run Tonight at 6:45

Please join us at the Frank's tonight for a family run. The loop will be approximately 3 miles. If you would like to stay after the run we will be ordering pizza as well.


Friday, April 15, 2011

2011 Race Schedule

Not sure if anyone really cares but here is my race schedule thus far for the remainder of 2011. (Local, Highlands Ranch, races highlighted in Green)
Please feel free to add your own schedule so that we all know what you are up to.

05/07/11 Cinco Du Mayo, 5k/20k/5k duathlon
06/05/11 Escape From Alcatraz Triathlon 1.5M/18M/8M
07/04/11 July 4th 5k
08/20/11 Splash, Mash, Dash Triathlon .62M/20M/6.2M
09/11/11 Harvest Moon 1/2 Iron distance Triathlon 1.2M/56M/13.1M
09/24/11 Oktoberfest 5k
10/08/11 Wildcat Mountain 20M
11/12/11 Backcountry 1/2 Marathon 13.1

Should be a great race season, I tried to mix mine up with various distances and such. This is looking like the first year I won't be doing a Sprint distance Tri. I may have to add one just for fun...we'll see.


Wednesday, April 13, 2011

My brief affair with New Balance may be ending.

I have been in a committed relationship with Brooks for the last three years. This year I have started cheating on Brooks with New Balance. It's been fun, and exciting at times, but painful and uncomfortable at other times.
I got into this predicament the way most people start affairs. I was looking for something new, something that my current running partner wasn't giving me. Mainly lightweight training shoes and a true trail racer. Brooks wasn't offering much in these areas and so I let my eyes stray and they landed on the beautiful offerings of New Balance, MT101's and the 890's. Both have been great at times, however, I'm still getting used to the 890's. I'm may never fully break it off with the MT101's but the 890's aren't giving me the love I was used to with my Brooks.


Enter the Brooks New PureProject.
These shoes look like they may be just what I need. And more importantly rekindle my romance with Brooks. These look like they will be a good bridge between your minimalist shoes and the more traditional shoes of old. I'm am most interested in the Pure Flow (8.9 oz trainer) and Pure Grit (trail at 8.9 oz). Check them out here and enjoy the shoe porn. PureProject

Monday, April 11, 2011

Deer Creek Run?

Anyone up for a Deer Creek run this week sometime? I was thinking either around 6:30 on a weeknight or possibly Saturday morning. Let me if you are interested and what days work for you.


Friday, April 8, 2011

Tough Mudder

Ben Reeve's has brought this great event to our attention. Who would be interested?


Thursday, April 7, 2011

Lets Race!

For all you Trail runners out there.

They HRCA is putting on a race this Saturday at 8:30 am starting at Red Tail Park. The race is a 5k/10k trail run and is always fun. You can follow the link below to register. Registration ends tomorrow morning.



Hello everyone. I set this up quickly to give us a place to post runs we are going on, races, training or nutrition tips, and really anything you want in regards to the Triple R group. I know we got off to a quick start with the shirts and our first group run at the Reeve's, then we essentially died. That is my fault, and I apologize. I am looking forward to meeting everyone and hopefully running with all of our members. Please provide any feedback or information you feel we should know here on the blog.

Shawn McChesney